More About Me

Writing + Editing

I’ve been writing—short stories, poems, silly songs—since my mother gave me a yellow legal pad when I was seven years old. While studying journalism at the University of Georgia, I started freelancing for popular and trade magazines and spent nearly a decade turning in long-form features while also working as a copywriter and occasional editor. When it comes to connecting with people and telling stories, I’m always eager to figure out which questions to ask, slightly nervous before an interview, and incredibly keen to start constructing the story afterwards. 


Fun fact: I decided to study public policy after many failed attempts to get around my editors’ pleas for “objectivity” in reporting on social issues. My intent was to combine my communications experience with more rigorous research skills so that I could advocate for the things that are important to me—specifically racial and economic justice. At the Goldman School at UC Berkeley, I naturally gravitated toward courses designed to teach skills like leadership and participatory research, and eventually designed one with some friends and classmates: Power + Privilege. As a professional, this experience has prepared me to do things like community engagement and communications research.  

Communications Strategy

I love telling a good story. What I love more is figuring out how to get those stories in front of decision-makers and influencers who can do something with them—for example, campaigning to create equitable public policies (or overturn unjust ones) like #BantheBox or #PrisonPhoneJustice, empowering impacted community members to share their stories on their own terms, and illustrating the wide gulf between federal policy and lived experiences. No two organizations or initiatives are alike, so I bring a healthy dose of curiosity and humility to each project. I’m happy to say that after a decade of nonprofit work, I’m still learning.